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Special Novena to celebrate

the Queen of Peace


Medjugorje, a village chosen by heaven!


On June 24th, 1981, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to six children between the ages of 10 and 17 in the village of Medjugorje in Bosnia and Herzegovina. From the beginning of the apparitions, the Blessed Mother delivered messages of reconciliation, introducing herself as the "Queen of Peace". For years, she addressed the visionaries every day, inviting them to return to God, pray for peace, make peace among themselves and keep the faith.

Our Lady said: Dear children, I love you and in a special way I have chosen this parish, in which I have gladly remained when the Almighty sent me.” (March 21,1985).


Medjugorje has attracted more than forty million pilgrims from all over the world and continues to bring about a wave of conversions on a global scale.

The Blessed mother herself began the first novena in Christian history! Indeed, after the Ascension of her Son Jesus, her prayers accompanied the apostles’ gathered in the Upper Room, and prepared them for the descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost.

With immense gratitude, we offer her this novena!

On each day of these 9 days, we will do the following:

1. Begin by invoking the Holy Spirit with the Veni Creator (or another hymn of your choice);

2. Read one or two Bible verses on the theme of the day, and meditate on them;

3. Read and reread one or two messages of your choice, received from Mary in Medjugorje, on the theme of the day.

4. Respond as best we can to Mary's invitation contained in these messages,

5. Say the prayer to Mary composed especially for that day,

6. Close with a song of your choice to Mary and a spontaneous prayer if you wish.


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Me presento yo soy Maria Y Pineda, soy peruana de nacimiento y vivo en Montevideo Uruguay soy la fundadora de este blog desde 2006, me gusta la moda por eso estudio manejo de empresas de lujo y fashion en Bocconi.  Soy co distribuidora de Omnilife y también hago accesorios como estuches y riñoneras por haber estudiado costura creativa. También soy católica, la fe me ayudo a mejor bastante en mi enfermedad mental. y actualmente me encuentro en Montevideo por estudiar pintura al oleo. en Perú estudie secretariado ejecutivo y comercio exterior de aduanas, mi padre tiene una empresa en Perú.