jueves, 18 de abril de 2024

còmo rezar bastante?

 usando videos de guia y repitiendo por ejemplo pones el video de santo rosario y repeticiones y eso ayuda eso si un rosario al dia bien meditado.


antes pensaba como puede cambiar la vida de alguien, si bien ahora la gente lee libros para cambiar su mente acerca del dinero, no se si podria un momento tratar de ver que hay un libro que habla sobre todo y es la biblia , la palabra de Dios, no se si estaran buscando hacerse millonario pero en proverbios habla sobre todo, las historias llevan moralejas buenas y tambien hay ejemplos de personas que solo con la adoraciòn a Dios consiguieron cambiar sus vidas, suena bobo pero algunos han encontrado en la biblia como ser ricos, como ser sabios, como vivir bien y cuanto te digo vivir bien no me refiero a una vida de lujo sino una vida mas feliz, es decir habra dias malos pero con Dios son dias mejores y de aprendizaje, es muy lindo lo que Dios hace cuanto se le invoca y tambièn lo bueno que es con las personas que ama y son sus amigos.

las personas cambiarian si rezaran el santo rosario, si de verdad hicieran caso a Dios pero yo comprendo que aveces la vida nos limita pero eso no excusa para buscar a Dios primero. y eso comienza con el corazòn.

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© Children of Medjugorje 2024

Permission is given to use the text of these reports under two conditions:

1) No words are changed, 2) "Children of Medjugorje" is cited along with our website:


Medjugorje, April 18, 2024

Dear Friends, praised be Jesus and Mary!   


1. On March 25, 2024, the visionary, Marija, received the following monthly message:

“Dear children! In this time of grace, pray with me for the good to win in you and around you. In a special way, little children, pray united with Jesus on His Way of the Cross. Into your prayers put this humanity which wanders without God and without His love. Be prayer, be light, and be witnesses to all those whom you meet, little children, so that the merciful God may have mercy toward you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

2. A woman knocked on my door. She was a sorry sight. All her features were drooping. Her eyes, her cheeks, her mouth, everything was drooping. She began to list all her misfortunes. Her husband, her job, her children, her health, her finances… it seemed like everything was falling apart in her life, and her suffering was endless. She seemed to be locked up in the prison of misfortune that kept repeating. The more she struggled, the more she was hurting herself. She felt hopeless. 

There was no way I would let her go back home while she was in that state. So, I suggested she follow a very strict ‘diet’ program for 24 hours. Not an alimentary diet, but a different kind of “diet” in two steps, very demanding at first glance, but both mandatory:

a) First, she had to stop complaining. Blocking out all lamentation is not an easy thing to do! Complaining is sometimes the instinctive and uncontrolled reaction of a dissatisfied heart and often an unconscious habit. Though it may not be easy, it is nevertheless possible, provided we make a firm decision, because all of us have received freedom - a great gift from God - to choose good and renounce evil.

b) Then, with every negative thought about a painful part of her life, she had to bless God and thank Him. To thank Him even without understanding why she was thanking Him. She had to say only prayers or praise and thanksgiving for 24 hours. I warned her that this would be a real struggle, hand-to-hand combat with herself. But she willingly accepted, and I was very moved by her trust.

The next day, she knocked on my door again. I barely recognized her! She was smiling, and her facial features had all moved up a notch, like after cosmetic surgery. The ‘diet’ program had paid off. She decided to keep thanking God for everything. The message had hit home!

But beware: This is not about thanking God for evil, because God does not want evil. It is about thanking God because He alone has the power to change evil into good, to use evil and bring about good. In reality, we thank Him for the divine way in which He will use this evil that hurts us to draw a greater good from it.

3. The most beautiful example: The most horrific evil that has ever existed on earth is having crucified the Author of life, Jesus, the Son of God. At that moment, Satan thought he had won the victory. But it was quite the opposite, because God changed this terrible evil into something so good! For it is by the death of Christ that death was conquered on its own ground, and the gates of eternal life were opened to us. If such an evil could be transformed into an immense good, how much more will our own trials be swallowed up in Christ's victory! And if we offer them with love, they will bear beautiful fruits of light and glory. We never go wrong when we thank God for everything that happens to us! I love these words of St Therese, the Little Flower of Lisieux: "The secret of happiness is to find everything wonderful that God sends us."

And these words from Saint John Paul II upon his return from the Gemelli Clinic, in Rome, after the assassination attempt on him on May 13th, 1981. During a meal, he asked a few bishops that he had invited: “What do you think? Who is behind this attempt?” Each of them had their own opinion, but at the end, he himself stated: “It is Satan!” (PS1). Then he added that even Satan could be an instrument in God’s plans.

Among the many fruits of this assassination attempt, three of them seem remarkable to me.

i) It was during his stay at the Gemelli clinic that John Paul II saw the documents about Fatima, in particular Mary’s requests and the secrets she entrusted to the three little shepherds. Indeed, Mgr. Paolo Hnilica, who had forged strong bonds with the visionary, Lucia, brought these private documents to the Holy Father, who had not yet read them. However, it was after reading them that John Paul II decided to consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and this was performed on March 25, 1984, in St Peter's Square.

ii) A notorious event was broadcast sometime later around the world: The meeting of the Holy Father with his ‘killer’ Mehmet Ali Agca, and the historical dialogue between these two very different men (December 27th, 1983). An overwhelming testimony of Christian forgiveness in a world so torn apart by hatred and violence.

iii) The surprise of the surgeon who operated on the Holy Father, as there was something he could not explain: it seemed to him that an invisible hand had diverted the bullet that was aiming to kill the Pope. And since this attempt took place on May 13th, the anniversary of the apparitions of Fatima, the diagnosis was clear: the Blessed Virgin of Fatima undoubtedly wanted to protect her faithful servant by diverting the bullet.


4. A priest with no equal! In recent times, many have become familiar with the "Padre Pio of Naples", Don Dolindo Ruotolo, who returned to the Father in 1970, two years after Padre Pio. He is working hard from Heaven, relieving, soothing, even healing a large number of people from anxiety, fear and anguish in the face of life's trials. He works for free at your home, silently. And in these days, Heaven wants to give everyone the grace to be healed from fear. 

I have a Canadian friend, a devout Catholic, who suffered many terrible injustices in her work. Every day, she faced the hatred of a nasty work colleague who made her a scapegoat. It was like a scurging! This had been going on for years. Faced with the knowledge that this situation would not change, she fought courageously so as not to break down, and not to return evil for evil. On the contrary, she prayed for that person every day and kept on forgiving her.

When I told her about Don Dolindo and his famous prayer of abandonment, she decided to practice it intensely. Every day, she presented her "enemy" to the Lord, and surrendered this impossible situation into His hands, asking him to take care of it Himself. In short, she let her cause fall into God's hands, as if to say to Him: “This is YOUR problem!”

Don Dolindo himself has a remarkable story, because from his own childhood he suffered terrible persecutions and numerous hardships (PS 2). How did he manage to keep his head above water and always stay happy? The Holy Spirit inspired him with this simple and incredibly effective prayer:

"Jesus, I surrender myself to You, You take care of it!".

That is certainly easy to say, but for us who want to control everything, it is about letting Jesus take care of the situation without wanting to manage it by ourselves, and being less agitated about whatever is troubling us. If the situation is beyond us and completely escapes our power, God alone, through his secret Providence, holds the solution. But we must let him act! Let's take the example of a surgeon operating on a difficult case that requires a great deal of concentration. Thank God the patient is asleep! If he were agitated and giving his own advice, it would be a disaster.

Let's go back to my Canadian friend. She did everything in her power: she prayed, forgave, remained silent, offered it up… she left to the Lord’s care the essential part that was not under her control. She multiplied her acts of abandonment with the prayer of Don Dolindo, she put all her trust, faith and love into it. It didn’t take long for the result to appear: the executive board of the company asked the malevolent person to leave her position, and the replacement was an honest and sensitive woman. My friend can now successfully work with her. A wonderful air of peace began to blow over this office.

A gift to be seized… In his will, Don Dolindo declared: “When I am dead, come to me, knock on my grave 3 times, and I will answer you!” What good news! But in prayer, I pointed out to Don Dolindo that this would be difficult for people who live far away from Italy. But knowing he is very broad-minded, I suggested to him that he grant the same graces to all those who would want to benefit from this, regardless of the distance that separates them from the city of Naples.

How could this happen? Very simple: they will just have to knock 3 times on a photograph of his tomb! ‘The Saint of trust’ will not be able to resist such an act of trust on the part of his distant brothers and sisters! Here is what I suggested to him, and now it is up to each person to decide what they do!

5. A word of the Venerable Marthe Robin. One day, a young couple went to visit Marthe at Chateauneuf de Galaure (France) because they wanted some advice to get them out of a difficult bind. Marthe said to them: "For this to happen, you must abandon yourself to God!" “But Marthe,” they replied, “we are not able to abandon ourselves!” And Marthe replied, "When you cannot abandon yourself, you have to abandon yourself anyway." She was talking from her own experience! (PS3)

Why did she say that? Because 

It is the path of the Blessed Mother and the Saints!

6. Don't miss our videos:

7. Our next live broadcast in French will be on April 27th at 9pm

The March 27th commentary was broadcast here: 


8. Not to be missed, the audio version of my monthly reports.


9. SPOTIFY! A very practical tool! Don’t miss the opportunity to listen to the selection of talks I have given to date, to help us walk together towards the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!


Online catechesis, audio version (it is not necessary to have Spotify).

Dearest Gospa, your Son Jesus sent you to us to come to our aid. It is time for us to wake up! We beg you, do not let our souls fall asleep - heal us from all spiritual disease! And above all, in these troubled times, heal us from fear of the future because you are with us, as our mother! Today more than ever, we take refuge in your Immaculate Heart, with our rosary in hand!

Sister Emmanuel, Community of the Beatitudes

Translated from French

PS 1. This word was brought to us by Mgr Paolo Hnilica, who was present at this dinner with John Paul II, when he returned from the clinic.

PS 2. I suggest you read a good book on Don Dolindo Ruotolo. Here is one called ‘Don Dolindo’s Spiritual Guidance: Finding direction through Don Dolindo Ruotolo's Bible Commentaries’ which is available, click HERE

PS 3. Venerable Marthe Robin, (1902-1981), mystic from Châteauneuf de Galaure (France), who lived the passion of Christ every week for 50 years. She announced a new Pentecost of love.

PS 4. We will celebrate Saint Joseph the craftsman on the 1st of May, it is time to ask him to help all those who are looking for a job and to help us work like him under the gaze of the Heavenly Father with a pure intention.

PS 5. Pope Benedict XVI, before his resignation, gave a number of interviews to the journalist Peter Seewald in which he was asked many forthright questions about the greatest issues facing the world today. His answers to these questions provide clear Catholic doctrine, which is so badly needed in these times.

The book, 'Light of The World: A Conversation with Peter Seewald' documents these interviews: Click HERE

There is another wonderful book out called “Who Believes Is Not Alone: My Life Beside Benedict XVI” which gives us an insight into who Pope Benedict was, and how he was so misunderstood by many people. Click HERE

PS6. Good news about my CDS! Many of my CDs are now available for you to listen to free of charge on my website, www.sremmanuel.org

The Amazing Secret of Purgatory part 1 &2;  Maryam of Bethlehem Part 1 Part 2;  Make Friends with Your Angel;  In Medjugorje, he told me the secret;  Fasting Door to God's Power;  Adoration;  Prayer Obtains everything ;  Stressed? Oppressed? Bless!;  Mother, Who Are You?;  How Wonderfully You Made Me!;  Choose Your Future;  Touch Your Heavenly Mother;  The Incredible Mercy of God;  When Death Separates Us From Those We Love;  The Miracle of the Rosay:  The Joyful Mysteries;  Take Baby Jesus Home;  The Most Beautiful Mass of My Life;  True Consecration to Mary;  The Divine Mercy Chaplet Part 1;  The Divine Mercy Chaplet Part 2

Just click on ‘videos’.  Here is the link to them: https://sremmanuel.org/video/

PS7. Good news for our Polish readers! My book on Maryam of Bethlehem is now available in Polish. Here is where you can buy it: 

Click HERE

Click HERE

PS8. Stay connected!

Website : www.sremmanuel.org

Facebook : www.facebook.com/sr.emmanuelmaillard

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sr.emmanuel.medjugorje/

TikTok : www.tiktok.com/@soeuremmanuel.medjugorje

Twitter : https://twitter.com/ChildrenofMedj

PS9. Great News! Some of my books are now available in Romanian, Croatian, Slovak and Polish.  They can be purchased at the links below:

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